Task Reports

Please contact the office if you are interested in volunteering and we will discuss details.

Conservation Work - Past

Northcliffe Pond

Northcliffe Pond, (meet by the parking area at) Cliffe Wood Avenue. Shipley, BD18 3DD.

We will be clearing silt out of Northcliffe pond to allow water to run freely through and keeping areas of open water available for wildlife.

Bowling Park Community Orchard

Bowling Park Community Orchard, in the allotments on Bowling Park Drive, Bradford BD4 7ET

We will be harvesting fruit, path clearing, tree care-weeding around trees to make harvesting and collecting windfalls easier, hedge cutting and starting to cut the wildflower meadow using traditional tools, such as sickles and general orchard management.

Baildon Moor

Baildon Moor

This will be the second of our annual visits to the moor to control areas of bracken. This will help a range of moorland plants to thrive. Please wear long trousers, as there may be ticks.