Task Reports

Please contact the office if you are interested in volunteering and we will discuss details.

Conservation Work - Past

Bowling Community Orchard

Bowling Community Orchard, Bowling Park Drive, BD4 7ES

We will be at the orchard from 10.30-3.30 and tasks will include finishing painting the wooden structure Belvedere, before any climbers get in full swing for summer and building a basic frame for netting, to protect some of the fruit bushes.

If you would like a lift in the minibus please get in touch.

Stoney Ridge Plantation

Stoney Ridge plantation next to where Hallmark Cards used to be, by Grange Lodge, Bingley Rd, Bingley, Bradford BD9 6SA.

Among the tasks we will be heeling in trees, clearing the site and staking some fallen trees. 

For anyone driving there is parking on Long Lane, the road opposite ish the lodge. 

If you'd like a lift in the minibus please get in touch. We will be leaving Culture Fusion at 10am.

Bowling Park Allotments

Bowling park Allotments. Bowling Park Drive, BD4 7ET.

We will be completing our tidy up of Newby Primary School Allotments, tasks will mainly be hedge cutting, shifting gravel and weeding.

If you'd like to come along please get in touch.

Bowling Park Community Orchard Blossom Day

Bowling Park Community Orchard, Bowling Park Allotments, Bowling park Drive, Bradford BD4 7ES.

Bowling Park Community Orchard is looking particularly lovely at the moment with all the apple and pear blossoms. 

We will be there for our volunteer task day, but we are also  having an informal Blossom Day from 11-3pm. Feel free to pop in and take an opportunity to have some refreshments and relax and enjoy the ambience of the orchard in full bloom- hopefully!... 

Bowling Park Community Orchard and Allotments

Bowling Park Allotments, Bowling Park Drive, Bradford, BD4 7ET

We will be continuing our work at Bowling Park Allotments from 10.30-3.30, where we will be tidying up the community orchard, weeding paths and vegetable beds and feeding the trees, in preparation for Blossom Day on Friday 12th May and clearing an allotment for Newby Primary school, which will be largely removing couch grass and hedge cutting.

Bowling Park Allotments

Bowling Park Allotments, Bowling Park Drive, Bradford, BD4 7ET

We will be at Bowling Park Allotments from 10.30-3.30, where we will be tidying up the orchard, weeding paths and vegetable beds and feeding the trees and/or clearing an allotment for Newby Primary school, which will be largely removing couch grass and hedge cutting.

Please get in touch if you would like  more info and be at Culture Fusion by 10am if you would like a lift there.

Northcliffe Park

Northcliffe Park, Cliff Wood Avenue, Shipley, BD18 3DD.

This weeks' task is planting the last of our standard trees in  Northcliffe Park and we have 4 silver birch and 3 rowan and 3 crabapple to get in.

Please get in touch if you would like a lift in the minibus.

Canterbury Nursery

Basil Street, BD5 9HL

In the morning we will be planting hedgerow trees and shrubs around the perimeter, (weather permitting). 

We may move on to tree planting at St Joseph's Primary in the afternoon. (again weather permitting)

Allerton Tree Planting

Recreation area near St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School, Saffron Drive, Allerton, Bradford BD15 7NE.

Having planted around 2000 native trees here two weeks ago, as part of our large scale tree planting, we now have the remaining 1000 trees to get in .

All are welcome to join us in completing the task. Please get in touch if you would like to come along or have a lift in the minibus.