Task Reports

Please contact the office if you are interested in volunteering and we will discuss details.

Conservation Work - Past

Bowling Park Community Orchard

Bowling Park Community Orchard. Bowling Park Drive. Bradford. BD4 7ES

We will be harvesting and sorting through apples in preparation for an apple juicing and dehydrating day the following week at Culture Fusion.

We are also hoping to build a leaf mold bin and if time allows some hedge cutting. 

Please let us know if you would like a lift in the minibus. Also, we can reimburse public transport costs if you keep your tickets.

Lower Fields Primary School

Lower Fields Primary Academy. Fenby Ave, Bradford BD4 8RG

We will be completing our meadow cutting and weaving in a large willow tunnel. 

We can reimburse public transport costs if you keep bus or rail tickets, or arrange a lift in the minibus if you let us know you are coming.


Wycliffe Primary School

Wycliffe Primary School. Saltaire Rd, Shipley BD18 3HZ.

We will continue our work in Wycliffe's wildlife area, defining a circular hardcore seating area and  adding a layer of top stone to it, before compacting using a whacker plate.

Other tasks include, clearing and planting a pond and creating a small path at the entrance to the site. 


If you would like to join us please get in touch.

Urban Nature Reserve.

Urban Nature Reserve.

We will be carrying our our annual tasks of cutting the meadows using traditional tools such as scythes and sickles and clearing the ponds of excessive plant growth.

Please get in touch if you would like to join us.

Bowling Park Community Orchard

Bowling Park Community Orchard

The final task day before Apple Day. This will be a shorter day at the orchard as we have lots to prepare for the event, including working between Culture Fusion and the Orchard, loading and picking things up.

There will be a large variety of tasks to complete, so please get in touch if you would like to be involved. 

Bowling Park Community Orchard

Bowling Park Community Orchard

As Apple Day approaches, we need to finish attaching an awning to the food area at the orchard. We also need to harvest the fruit and cut the meadows using scythes and sickles, before mowing. 


Please get in touch if you'd like to come along. All help appreciated.

Baildon Moor, Bracken removal.

Baildon Moor Car Park - if you go past Baildon Co-op and over the cattle grid, take the first left onto Bingley Road and the car park is on the right some way along the road. Google Maps does show it if you look up Baildon Moor.

We will be doing our last session for the year of bracken removal on Baildon Moor using traditional tools such as sickles and scythes. 

Despite the lifting of restrictions, the YMCA are sticking with people bringing  their own drinks, snacks and packed lunch until cases ease.

If you need to borrow boots just let us know the size you need.

Our Aviva crowd funder has enabled us to provide Covid safe taxis and if you let us know beforehand we can book them for you. We can also pay transport costs.

We are now able to provide transport for up to four people besides the driver in the minibus at present, so do let us know if you may want this option. We would meet at Culture Fusion or pick up on the way. 

Please get in touch if you would like to join us.