Task Reports

Please contact the office if you are interested in volunteering and we will discuss details.

Conservation Work - Past

BEES Nature Reserve Pond clearance

BEES Urban Nature Reserve

Continuing the management of the pond, as part of a project of renewal of the ponds and site, through this coming year, that is funded by the Postcode Local Trust. Today we removed the piles of pond vegetation that we had left at the edge last time, to give any pond life chance to get back to the pond. We raked fallen autumn leaves from around the pond edges to prevent them blowing in and from the surface of the water to try to prevent a build up of rotting organic matter in the pond. 

BEES urban Nature Reserve

Bradford University, Laisteridge Lane

Despite the rain today we made good progress on clearing vegetation from both of the ponds, particularly bogbean and flag iris, both of which have a tendency to take over in a pond if not managed. We left the vegetation next to the pond to give a chance for any pond creatures to crawl back in. 

Bowling Park Community Orchard

Bowling Park Allotments

The weather was fairly challenging today, for what is an important day of end of summer management. 

However, as ever, we achieved a great deal with our dedicated volunteers and the invaluable contribution from workers from IGS Construction, who had a day out of the office to help us. 

We cut the meadow area in the event space using the scythes and mowed area around the stone bench. Almost all the hedges have been cut, with the arisings piled ready to be taken to the Household Waste site for composting. The ongoing task of harvesting was a key element of the day. 

There is still more end of season vegetation cutting to be completed, plus more work around the shed. We will tackle these tasks on Friday 11th October.