Previous Field Trips

BEES hosts a Wildlife Field Visit Programme throughout the year.

The programme aims to explore a range of habitats to study their natural history and management issues relating to their upkeep. The programme is organised and delivered by a committed and knowledgeable group of volunteers.

The list below shows information about past visits. For reports and photos about these visits please visit:
* Blog
* Photos


Wildlife Field Visits - Past

Ripon Wetlands

We are now frequent visitors to this easy to access reserve that is bordered on the west by the canal. It has butterflies inc.l Common Blues, lots of botanical interest & bird hides.
A locally scarce insect the Red-eyed Damselfly is to be found on the canal lily pads. Walking is on the flat.
If time allows we may visit the nearby Quarry Moor NR (a magnesian limestone site) that holds some rare/scarce plants incl. Thistle Broomrape.               

Strensall Common, just north of York

This is a large heathland site that we have visited several times in the past. It has birds such as Wood Lark, Tree Pipit, Green Woodpecker & Cuckoo. There is plenty to interest botanists. It is rich in insect life & is the only place in England to hold the nationally rare Dark Bordered Beauty moth. An excellent site also for fungi. Many species can be seen at this time of year incl. colourful Russulas eg Yellow Swamp Brittlegill.
The site can be very wet after heavy rains so boots are usually essential. I would also suggest insect repellant!

Malham Boardwalk

The calcareous fen and raised acid-bog support an extensive array of wetland plants. Orchids are present and sedges are abundant. It will be a slow walk with insect and bird life providing added interest. We may look for yellow wagtails nearby or take a short walk along a local lane. Lunch will be taken on the boardwalk. There is no shelter. Stout footwear is recommended and be prepared for sudden weather changes.  Toilets will be accessed at the NT car park in Malham.

Haybridge NR, Rusland Valley, Cumbria, nr Newby Bridge

Last visited in July 2012. There is a visitor centre.  The site is a mix of woodland, grassy glades, lake & ponds. It is rich botanically with several species of orchid. Ospreys nested in 2023 & a platform has been constructed for them. It also hosts the Beautiful Demoiselle Dragonfly.
Bird species incl’s Flycatchers & Siskins; butterflies could incl Large Heath & SW Fritillary as they breed in the locality.   

We will stop in Settle for chips/Coop/a chance to eat your own food, on the way home. 

Wharram Quarry

We will approach the quarry by walking approximately 2km from the carpark at SE 867645. The track is moderately steep, rough in places and may be muddy.
The quarry floor is flat but uneven. There is no shelter. The reward, I hope, will be a wealth of flowers including three species of orchid, thistle broomrape and its host, woolly thistle.  Linnets and yellowhammers are often seen and butterflies are abundant on sunny days. Toilet stop on route.

Hetchell Woods

Hetchell Wood is an ancient woodland near the village of Bardsey, north east of Leeds. We will take a circular walk round the site, which is notable for the fact that it exists on both acidic and alkaline soils and therefore has a wider variety of species. The woodland has been extensively coppiced to benefit the ground flora. It is one of the few sites where thistle broomrape occurs. This is a parasitic plant with no leaves or chlorophyll. The paths are uneven and may be muddy. The gradient is not severe, but the land is hilly rather than flat.
Leader: Madeleine Massey

Cross Hill & Salthill Quarries, Clitheroe

These 2 quarries are situated on the northern edge of Clitheroe in the Ribble Valley.  Originally industrial sites now, thanks to the Lancashire Wildlife Trust, reclaimed by nature.  Part of the Cross Hill site runs alongside the River Ribble and in the main quarry area are plants which thrive in lime-rich soil.  There is also a small wooded area.  The Salthill quarry displays a mixture of vegetation from the early stage of soil development on limestone through to woodland.  Bee orchid, carline thistle and milkwort may be seen.

Bishops Wood

Last visited July 23 when we went for the Silver-Washed Fritillaries. This is the only Yorkshire site for the nationally rare Argent & Sable Moth which should still be on the wing in early June. There will of course be plenty of botanical interest & spring butterflies.    A toilet stop will be at Ferrybridge SS. This ancient wood has good flat paths & the walking is easy.
Leader: John Gavaghan
Minibus transport; depart Culture Fusion 9.10am*/Unitarian Church 9.30am.  Low Moor pick up. Cost £10

Ben Rhydding Tree Walk

Tuesday 28th May         
A walk of 1.6km along pavements in the central area of Ben Rhydding. Using a booklet guide we will examine diagnostic features on 45 tree species, some native, others introduced as well as varieties of more common species developed as ornamentals.
Own/public transport. Meet: St. John’s Church, Margerison Road 10.30am. Park considerately kerbside on the same road.
After lunch, if we have sufficient car seats for train users, we will visit the nearby Gravel Pits Reserve.
Leader: Alice Gingell    

Bempton Cliffs and Flamborough Head - Extended Day

We will start our day at North Landing, Flamborough Head where there are toilets. We will walk on the cliffs to look for puffins, and other cliff nesting birds including guillemots, razorbills and kittiwakes, and there may be time, for the more spritely to go down the steep road to the beach. From here we will move on to Bempton Cliffs RSPB (entrance; members (plus one guest) free, non-members £8). We can expect good views of Gannets, as well other cliff-nesters, and birds of scrub and grassland.