Lower Fields Primary School

Fenby Avenue, BD4

Today we gave cut the meadow are and removed all the arisings. This management practice is essential in order to maintain the array of wildflowers that thrive in the grassland. The auto scythe needed a little tlc (a bolt had shorn off, indicating the amount of rough work it has aided recently), so once again it was great that we use a mix of hand tools and machine so the task could be completed to schedule. 

Whilst some of the group stayed on dry land, there was also a team in the pond, clearing vegetation around the pond dipping platform and to maintain areas of open water throughout the pond. 

It was an unseasonably warm day and we chose to have lunch outside…the only problem was we were relying on the electricity in the community room so hadn’t brought the kelly kettle so had to undertake a bit of ferrying of drinks. Worth it to enjoy the warm sun.