Boar's Well Urban Wildlife Reserve

Boar's Well, off Kings Road near junction with Canal Road

Today we continued with our summer maintenance of Boar’s Well, This involved mowing the path and cutting back the brambles (and eating the blackberries on the way) and nettles making it accessible to the public. We also did the routine litter pick across the site.

After Lunch the group then set out on 2 different tasks, one group cleared and assessed the wooden stairs to see if they needed repairing (thankfully they didn’t) and clearly more of the path. The other group began the enjoyable task of removing Himalayan Balsam, however this first involve making a path through a sea of nettles and brambles. But with sickles and scythes in hand we set of to do battle with this formidable foe.

After a path was clear it became easier to remove the shallow rooted balsam from the hillside.


Today we had a group of 8

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