Strid Woods

Bolton Abbey

The primary objective of this outing is the wonderful spring birds that this wood is renowned for.   The 3 stars of the show being Pied Flycatcher, Redstart  and Wood Warbler (not easy to spot this one).  Other birds likely to be seen include Spotted Flycatcher, Common Sandpiper, Blackcap, Willow Warbler & Chiff Chaff.  

Spring flowers such as Woodruff & anemones should be at their best.
The walk will be circular route just over 4 miles via the aqueduct footbridge and lunch will be taken at this half-way point. Binoculars are recommended.  There at toilets at the Cavendish Pavilion. 

Leaders: John Gavaghan and Sally Tetlow
Minibus transport; depart Unitarian Church 9.30am.  Cost: £8