Judy Woods

Wyke, Bradford. We will be parking on Station Road.

Our visit today will take in the ancient woodland of Judy Woods which borders the Calderdale and Bradford borough boundaries.  These woods have a great deal of fascinating history having once been extensively mined to provide fuel for the local Low Moor Iron Company, sadly no longer in existence.  At this time of year we will concentrate on fungi and hopefully conditions will be such to provide a successful foray.  Bird life should also be plentiful with jays, nuthatches, tree-creepers, great spotted woodpeckers and other woodland species in evidence.  The walking will be easy on the “Access for All” footpath plus other well-maintained paths; distance approx. 2-3 miles.  

Leader: Sally Tetlow
Minibus transport; depart Unitarian Church 9.30am.  Cost £5