Sefton Coast

This year we will be visiting a new area, Crosby Coastal Park, which is further south on the Mersey estuary towards Liverpool. It is a recreational area consisting of amenity grassland, two calcareous sand-dune ridges and a boating lake. 360 species of plants have been recorded here, including some national rarities. We can expect to see Sea Couch, Sea Holly, Common Broomrape, Isle of Man Cabbage, Dune Wormwood, amongst others.

As in previous years, we will start our day at Patricia’s house in Formby for our lunch stop. Then we will be driving to site, which is 20 minutes away, and parking at Crosby Baths car park. At the end of the day we will return to Patricia’s house for tea and cakes (all contributions of the latter gratefully received!). We expect to be back in Bradford about 7.30pm.

Leaders; Philip Smith, Patricia Lockwood Coordinator: Joan Dobson
Minibus transport; depart Unitarian Church 9.30am. Cost £12.