Extended day out to Foulshaw Moss & Meathop Moss, South Cumbria

Tuesday 19th July

Today we are visiting two Cumbria Wildlife Trust sites near the tip of Morecambe Bay. For the past few years Ospreys have nested at Foulshaw Moss, which will be our first stopping point (grid ref SD 458 837).We hope to get views of the chicks in the nest from the viewing platform ,this is several 100m from the nest so telescopes will be needed. You can watch the nest on a live webcam for a sneak (and close-up) preview – search for Foulshaw Ospreys on the internet.  

In recent years CWT have been working to restore the wetland habitat by removing conifers and increasing water levels. There has been a gradual improvement in the abundance of bog vegetation and associated insects. We will be led by the CWT warden on a short, flat walk around the boardwalks.  

We will also visit nearby Meathop Moss where we should see similar species. Again the walking will be flat and short. There are no toilet facilities at the reserves but we will stop at Kirkby Lonsdale on the way and call for a chip supper at either Settle or Skipton on the way home.

Leaders: Julia Pearson, Margaret Rees and Madeleine Massey (meal)
Minibus transport; depart Unitarian Church 9.30am.  Cost £11