Otley Chevin - Butterflies, moths and flowers

Our visit to Otley Chevin will start from the Surprise View car park. The Chevin has many diverse habitats including woodland, heathland and meadow. Our plan would be to visit three areas of meadow that have been created by the addition of native wildflowers and seed to encourage the butterfly population. A warm day will be required. We hope to see species such as Meadow Brown, Small Copper and Common Blue which feed on Thistle, Common Sorrel and Birds foot trefoil respectively. Much of the Chevin is covered with Bilberry the food plant of the Green Hairstreak butterfly which is on the wing earlier in the year. Please be aware the tracks are rough and stony and there are some steep slopes. Protection in the form of a sun hat and sun screen will be needed on a sunny day. Distance covered will be less than 2 miles.

Leaders: Margaret Rees, Alice Gingell
Minibus transport; depart Unitarian Church 9.30am.  Cost £7