Lower Fields School

Fenby Ave, BD4

We were able to work in 4 different areas on site today. The willow structure that we started yesterday was reconstructed. This involved cutting out the old trees that had become inflexible and then replanting with flexible pieces of willow which were bent to form the shape of the structure. Then we constructed the side walls using thinner pieces of willow to weave between the uprights. At the end we had a willow structure which Negussie confirmed was constructed like a traditional Somali dwelling. We carried out the same process for the willow shelter over a seating area and in the nursery.

Whilst this was going on other members of the team were coppicing in the nature area. Several of the willow had started to grow sideways; this was causing more shade than necessary and overhanging the path. Several limbs were coppiced and were used to form a low barrier to define the pond. After several limbs were removed the space and the light to the area was noticeable and the barrier was beginning to take shape.

The outdoor facilities at the school are well developed. So for people who were new to the site it was an opportunity to show them how the outdoor education at the school has developed over the years and the potential it offers the pupils to get involved.

Today we worked with 12 pupils.


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