Starling Murmuration

This will be decided nearer the time

The plan today is to travel to a starling murmuration.

We cannot be specific about the details of the day until nearer the time as we will assess the best option in the week leading up to the trip.

The plan is to leave later than normal so that we are still full of energy as dusk falls which is when we can hope to see the starlings (if any can be located within a reasonable distance). So expect departure to be 10.30 or 11am and a relatively late (for mid-winter) return. The destination will most likely be a bird reserve so we will spend the afternoon in general bird watching. If you sign up for this trip you will be emailed/contacted with information a few days before we go.

Leaders: Julia Pearson
Minibus transport; depart Unitarian Church time - TBC.  Cost £8, though there may be an additional fee on day, max £10.