Lower Fields Primary School

Fenby Avenue, BD4 8RG

Three days hard work in the sun has resulted in notable progress with the path. 

The majority of the timber edging is in place. We were able to make speedy progress down the straight central path. The remaining stretch will be slower as it involves a few shaped corners and bends but we hope to finish it next Wednesday. 

Another load of hardcore has been shifted from the car park to the Park, but I had not managed to order a further delivery in time to take advantage of an enthusiastic and hardworking team from Santander. Thanks to everyone BEES vols and Santander) for your help and good company.  

Once the edging is complete, the remaining tasks include packing the outer edge of the boards, laying the fabric and then lots and lots of barrowing of hardcore. I had underestimated the amount of stone we would need so we have a big job next week to complete the work. We also need to compact the paths with the wacker plate, and we will have two in action next Thursday and Friday. There is still a bit of the turf, which was removed for the line of the path, to shift.

Hope to see you next week. Bring your friends!

Wednesday depart Culture Fusion 8.45am, Thursday depart 9.30am, Friday depart 10am.